It's show and tell time!
The picture first shows the little stars moments after being inserted into my uterus. The second pic is a close-up of our little girls. #3 is a morula and #2 is developing into an early blast.
Aren't they cute?
Oh, and here's our "PreImplantation Genetic diagnosis of Numerical Chromosomes Anomalies Report." I thought I'd share with you all to show the level of detail Dr. Z went over with us before the transfer. Notice embies 2 and 3 are both XX (girls) and chromosomally normal while all the others had either not enough or too many chromosomes and would result in either a miscarriage or Downes or other syndromes.
Okay, that's show and tell for the day.
Wow, it is a little scary how few of the embies are normal (although i think 2/11 is normal) - I just mean - how the HECK do people get pregnant?!?! It is SO complicated! Sheesh.
They're beautiful!!! Hi little Jems!! :)
The report is crazy-cool. Praying like crazy for you, Jem. (((Hugs)))
Great pictures! I'm hoping to see more of those little girls in the future!
Your girls are BEAUTIFUL!!! Rest well.
Beautiful Embabies!:)
pretty lil embies! congrats!
i love that you got the embie report! that detail is awesome! i just asked for my files from my RE which i should receive tomorrow and i'm going to have to find a way to scan them in for my OB without looking at the embie report. we don't want to know the genders!
snuggle in girls! you're in your home for the next 9 months!
Love the pics of the girls!
Also so interesting about the genetic results. I am a science nerd and love the detail :)
Yay! They look great - and only infertiles like us can truly appreciate how wonderful these types of pictures are.
It's absolutely amazing how they can determine all of those things from such tiny little beings! Crazy cool.
Gorgeous girls! I love love love how you get such a detailed report! Sticky vibes to you. :-)
ICLW #67
Thanks for the great means a lot to me!!!
Both girls look beautiful! I hope they both stick around for the next 9 months. I can't believe out of the 11 only 2 were normal! Thank goodness for modern day technology.
They are indeed lovely embryos! Worth every penny you had to finangle!
Your girls are beautiful! :)
Sending lots of SBV and crossing and my crossables for you!
Wow how cute. Both girls how cool :)
Wow that's awesome! So cool that you know they are girls, too! Happy that I found you on ICLW. I am getting ready to start mt BC pills tomorrow and am looking to retrieve/transfer in early March.
Congrats to you! I'll be hoping they stick!!
ICLW #148
Catching up here - glad you are PUPO! And it's so reassuring that you are carrying normal embies! I remember getting our embie report and being a bit surprised at results, but when you consider normal pregnancy rates for normal people, they end up making sense, so that's what I hold onto. Take it easy, and let's hold onto those embies!!
Those are some gorgeous girls you've got there! I wish you nothing but the best...implant, embies!
That's a scary looking PGD report, though. Wow.
ICLW #150
Beautiful pictures! Hoping for good news for you!
Thank goodness for two beautiful and chromosomally normal embry-girls. This is wonderful news, Jem.
yayayayay!!These are going in the baby book!!! :)
Two girls on board WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Wishing and hoping and praying that this will be the one (or two). Thanks for stopping by and leaving such an awesome comment, it made me smile. Now head over into the city to Ti Couz and eat some crepes for me.
Isn't it amazing what you can see and learn about the whole process these days. I can't believe the progress science has made in the last few decades. All the best for the coming months!
Good luck - lovely pictures.
Oh those are two gorgeous ladies! It is amazing what science can show us, isn't it? I am keeping fingers crossed for you!
Happy ICLW from a first timer!
None of your embryos had Downs (trisomy 21) according to the chart...very interesting to actually see how they report this, but I wonder why they don't look at more of the chromosomes?
The two girls are absolutely gorgeous!!! We're not at all surprised that the girls are perfect. :-)
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