Thursday, August 26, 2010

Help! Peer pressure - Updated

I'm going out with my colleagues after work tonight. Let's just say that drinking will be involved. It will be the focus.

I don't want to drink. I'm just about to O and I want my body to be healthy and alcohol-free.

I don't want to tell my colleagues the real reason why. They are all guys and I don't want them in my bizness.

What should I tell them? Say I'm taking a medication that doesn't mix with alcohol? (I don't have to say that it's a pre-natal vitamin!) Say I'm on a diet? On a cleanse?


Update: Note that I have gone out drinking with this crew before. There are only 4 of us going out for a night on the town. I think I'm going with the meds argument, but would still appreciate advice!


Anonymous said...

When I was in that situation I was able to tell friends, family, and co-workers that my Crohn's had been acting up, so I couldn't drink. You could use some type of a sickness excuse. Good luck, you'll have to let us know what you do!

Sarah said...

go with meds...that will reduce questions. Most people wouldn't ask what you are on or for what reason. I think...

Amber C said...


Allison said...

I often use the "oh, I already have a headache and alcohol will just make it worse." Or "no, thanks, I'm driving" (even if I'm not - I get a funny look but nobody asks, LOL).

Or you could start a rumor by saying quietly while looking down, "my husband doesn't like it when I drink."

irrationalexuberance said...

I go with "i'm taking antibiotics so I can't drink" and if people are stupid enough to follow up with another question about what the drugs are for I say, "oh, just this horrible rash I have" and leave them feeling all icky.

Because seriously? It's no one's bizness.

Have fun!

TeeJay said...

I'd say to go with the antibiotic excuse, or some medication. Or you could order a 'virgin' mixed drink and they never have to know that you aren't drinking. That angle might be tougher to pull off but it might be worth a trip to the bar to order your own drink. Just a thought...good luck!!

Mrs. Misfits said...

Just order a club soda and say you are taking allergy meds. Or say you have to meet someone later and can't start drinking yet (or you'll fall asleep!). Good luck. I've also ordered and then said I didn't like the drink, too. If you are in a pinch.

Mrs. Lemon said...

I go with getting club soda with a splash of cran and a twist of lime and generally noone asks. I have said antibiotics too. Lastly, my RE and Nutritionist say that 2-3 drinks a week have zero negative impact. Good luck!

Brandy said...

You can do what a friend of mine did in the same situation. She talked to the waiter/bartender beforehand and told her situation (she was pregnant). I think she ordered a vodka with cranberry juice, but the waiter just brought her cranberry juice.

Or you could just tell them you're a recovering alcoholic and shame on them for pressuring you to drink. Of course, that wouldn't work if you have had drinks with them in the recent past.

Illanare said...

Meds! Through the first trimester of my first 2 pregnancies I was constantly "on antibiotics for an ear infection" :-) Good luck.

Melissa G said...

Lots of good ideas. In the past I have ordered a real drink and just kept it with me where ever I went, dumping out small portions when I could so that it looked like I drank it. Ladies room, garbages, etc. And I've definitely spoken to a bartender ahead of time too.

Or you could say you're on a cleanse. But the antibiotics are also kind of a sure thing.

Good luck, let us know what you decide!

Kakunaa said...

I would go with the antibiotic thing. Always safe, doesn't require much explanation. Good luck!

COME ON BABY said...

Antibiotics sister. Have fun!!!

ASP said...

It's probably too late for this, but couldn't you just back out and say you aren't feeling good? The antibiotics excuse is good though. Although, I know all my friends would automatically assume that I'm pregnant if I went out and didn't drink.

Jem said...

ASP: the thing is that I WANT to go. It's a going away event for a colleague who I've worked with for over 9 years!

I begged off the last gathering, saying I had family in town and couldn't make it.

It's just the 4 of us and I really like the crew. I've already told the guy leaving that I won't be drinking as I'm on mends. He was disappointed (usually I'm totally gung-ho for the boozing!).

I promised to be loads of fun, even if I don't get drunk!

Plus, I promised Mr. Jem I wouldn't drink.

Anonymous said...

I used the meds thing a lot in the past and it always worked. Good luck, girl! One of the many ways IF is just a pain in the ass, right?

Browniris said...

I also say use the medication excuse. Have a fun time!

Anonymous said...

you could say that you are so hungover from the previous night and you're trying to detox. but probably the meds excuse will shut 'em up quicker.

good luck and happy ICLW.

bunny said...

I once tried the "get there early, order a virgin drink" thing. By the time my drink arrived, others had shown up. The server said HERE'S YOUR VIRGIN MARGARITA, thus drawing far more attention to me than not drinking at all would have. Yeah, I think if they ask, the meds excuse is a good one, but hopefully they didn't ask. Men can be oblivious in ways women often aren't. I hope you had some fun!